

 Service Benefits



  " I have over 25 years in small business management and accounting services. Call for a FREE CONSULTATION !"

Are you a small business owner who..

May not be able to justify the cost of hiring office personnel?
Just starting out and doesn't know where to start?
Who doesn't want sensitive information available to employees?
Who wants to cut their CPA costs?
Who wants to free up valuable time so you can spend more time doing what you do best-Manage and Grow Your Business?
Who wants your assets and money to work for you to make hard times more economical?
Rates available hourly, monthly, yearly or by project !


 Reasons to hire a Bookkeeper

Business owners spend more than they save both in time and money when doing their books "themselves"


 How much is your time worth?

Most business owners who do their own books want to maintain privacy of their financial matters. However, most of them spend far too much time focusing on keeping their books in order and therefore, spend valuable time that could be spent on other tasks like growing their business or spending time with their family. A bookkeeper can help you spend less time keeping track of your money and more time earning it.

Are you scrambling at the last minute getting your books in order for tax season?

If your books aren't in order, you risk having your CPA having to organize your records before doing your taxes costing you even more in tax preparation fees.

How much do you really know about bookkeeping?

If your records aren't on proper order and posted correctly, it could cost you money!

 Call Buckeye Bookkeeping Solutions!




 Service Benefits



 Client Testimonials

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